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Flyer Friday 3/11

March 11, 2022
By admin
Principal NoteLobos Family,

We can’t wait to welcome our families in for Conferences next week. As partners in helping your children develop, we love to connect with families about the strengths and areas of growth that we see. If you have not scheduled your conference yet, please contact your student’s advisor today.

Somos Lobos,
Ilana Bye 
Family-Teacher ConferencesWe are so excited to see you in person (or on Zoom if you are more comfortable) at conferences next week (Thursday and Friday). Carnitas el Amarillo will selling food starting at 3:30 on Thursday afternoon! 

Most people already have their conference scheduled, so please contact your child’s advisor if you still do not have one scheduled.  Do not forget that you will earn a $25 Family Scholarship gift card for each student at our school.  We cannot wait to see you here next week.
Recognizing Student ExcellenceThis week, students earned treats for meeting various “criteria for excellence,” such as being on time to all classes, being in uniform, and earning tons of Bonus Bucks. Community excellence can taste so sweet!

Our next incentive will be our Soccer Tournament on Wednesday, March 23 from 4:00-5:30pm. Students can buy tickets for $50 Bonus Bucks to participate as a Player or support as a Spectator. 
Student Behavior SystemWe are updating our school behavior system with a continued focus on our Student Bill of Rights. Students who need extra support honoring the responsibilities that come with our rights will get the support they need from teachers, our Dean, and our Assistant Principal of Culture. Teachers will also be supporting students through restorative conversations. Please reach out to Mr. Volkhardt ( if you have questions or concerns.
Reminder: CMAS Testing CMAS is an important yearly state test that all Colorado public school students take. Please save the dates for our CMAS testing and do your best to avoid scheduling vacations and doctor appointments. If your student misses a test, they will need to do makeup testing - and that is no fun!

Tuesday, April 12 - all students
Wednesday, April 13 - all students
Thursday, April 14 - all students
Thursday, April 21 - 8th grade only (normal day for 6th/7th students)
Calendar3/15: Math Verbal Exams
3/17 @ 2:45p: 6th grade World Studies resiliency presentations in the basement – 6th grade parents welcome!
3/17: Last Day of Quarter 3
3/17 and 3/18: Conferences
3/18: No School
3/25: Honor Roll & Attendance Celebration (7:20-8:10am - by invitation only)
3/25: 8th Grade Field Trip
3/28-4/4: No School
4/5: First Day of School After Spring Break
4/12-4/14: CMAS Testing (all students)
4/19: Family Visit Day
4/21: CMAS Testing (8th grade only - normal day for 6th/7th)
4/29: 7th Grade Field Trip5/6: 6th Grade Field Trip


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A kid reading book

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DPS Summer Meal Delivery & Distribution

Please see the attached flyers for more information on DPS Summer Meal Program. Consulte los folletos adjuntos para obtener más información sobre el Programa de Comidas de Verano de DPS.

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