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January 06, 2021

SchoolChoice enrollment opens Jan. 15!

Apply to a STRIVE Prep school before Feb. 16 to have the best chance of enrolling in the school of your choice. Round 1 of Denver Public Schools’ SchoolChoice opens Jan. […]

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3rd-5th graders are remote beginning Nov. 2

Due to the rising level of COVID infections and positivity rates in Denver, Denver Public Schools has announced today that 3rd-5th graders will be virtual starting next Monday, November 2, […]

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October 26, 2020

Remote learning for all schools tomorrow, Oct. 26, due to weather

Monitoring the winter weather, Denver Public Schools has decided that tomorrow, Monday, October 26th, will be a remote learning day for all students.  This includes secondary schools, as previously planned, […]

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October 15, 2020

Middle and high schools to remain remote through second quarter; elementary students to return in-person

We hope you and your loved ones are well and healthy at this time. This message is to provide you with an update about student learning for the second quarter. […]

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October 06, 2020

Plans for returning back to school

Dear STRIVE Prep - Families,  Our working group, composed of teachers and staff across the network, has been following Denver Health metrics closely, reviewing our teacher and family feedback, and […]

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STRIVE Prep - RISE Return to School Decision/Decisión para el Regreso a la escuela STRIVE Prep- RISE

September 29, 2020

STRIVE Prep - RISE Return to School Decision/Decisión para el Regreso a la escuela STRIVE Prep- RISE

Dear STRIVE Prep-RISE Families,  I hope you and your loved ones are well and healthy at this time. I am writing today with an update for Quarter 2. After much […]

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September 28, 2020

COVID Update, Actualización sobre COVID

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September 24, 2020

Upcoming town halls to discuss the future of education funding

Please join us for a town hall with Denver Public School Board Members to discuss the future of education and school funding on the ballot this November. Voters will decide […]

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September 11, 2020

We need your help planning for the next quarter!

It’s hard to believe that we just began the new year in this new learning environment and we’re already beginning our planning for Quarter 2. We are committed to making […]

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