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June 01, 2020
By admin
Mental Health Day

RMP Family,

Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 2, Rocky Mountain Preparatory Schools will be closed for the sake of our team and community.

Like many of you, I have spent the past week reading, watching horrific cell phone videos, grieving, and reflecting with loved ones. The events of the past few months and weeks have made it starkly apparent how systemic racism and inequities continue to impact and cut short the lives of Black and Brown people in our country. And all the great work in our schools and classrooms isn’t enough.

To my Black and Brown colleagues, students, and families, I can’t know what it is like to be in your shoes right now. I can’t imagine the pain, fear, suffering, and exhaustion. I will stand with our community to denounce the murder of innocent black men at the hands of police and to condemn the systemic inequities that lead to black and brown people being treated as lesser than white people. I can interrogate my own privilege and continue to strive for communities built on belonging, safety, and love. I charge my white colleagues to do this as well.

George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor’s killings, coming in the wake of so many, are tragic moments but represent an eternity of injustice, suffering, fear, exploitation, and brutality of black and brown people in our country, since before its founding.

In 2020 it should be obvious that Black Lives Matter. It should be obvious that police brutality and killing is wrong. It should be obvious that all children deserve to grow up in loving communities where their safety, dignity, value, and humanity is seen and welcomed.

I recognize that words can be powerful. But often, not enough. In that spirit, we wanted to take public action to stand with our community and also recognize the deep exhaustion, grief, anger, and fear.

Tomorrow, our schools and workplace will be closed for a day of reflection, mental health, and rest for our community, especially for our Black and Brown community members. I want to listen and process with our community. Please take time for yourself and your family as we all try to process, and don’t hesitate to be in touch if there is anything RMP can do to support you.



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A student playing

September 30, 2020


RMP Community: As announced in early June, we are currently in the process of searching for and selecting a new CEO to lead Rocky Mountain Prep. Our search partner, Promise54, and […]

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September 28, 2020

Tiempo de escoger una opción de aprendizaje para el segundo cuartel!

  Queridas Familias de STRIVE Prep- Westwood,    Espero que usted y sus seres queridos estén bien y saludables en este momento. Les escribo hoy con una actualización para el […]

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September 01, 2020

BESS Screener 20-21

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