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September 30, 2020
By admin
A student playing

RMP Community:

As announced in early June, we are currently in the process of searching for and selecting a new CEO to lead Rocky Mountain Prep. Our search partner, Promise54, and our board search committee have spent the last several months listening to staff, families, and external partners to inform a CEO position description that captures our ethos, expectations for a new leader, and aspirations for the future.

We are deeply grateful to the many members of the RMP community who took the time to speak with the search committee and Promise54 during the listening phase to share their experiences and hopes for the future. RMP has many accomplishments to celebrate and also areas where growth and change will further strengthen us as we move forward. We have incorporated what we’re hearing into the position description.

The position description was finalized the week of September 27th and we are preparing to move into the next phase of our search process: recruiting candidates and planning for our interview phase.

View the position description and application information here. 

We are committed to an inclusive search process. As we receive applications for this position, Promise54 and the search committee will continue their work to develop an evaluation process that is objective, evidence-based, and designed to reduce bias in the consideration of candidates.

I am available to you if you have questions or comments about this process -- or are looking for additional opportunities to get involved. Please contact our search committee at and I will be happy to respond.

In partnership,

Charlotte M. Brantley

Chair, RMP Board of Directors

Missed last spring’s announcement about this change? View a letter with additional information from RMP Founder & CEO James Cryan here.


April 23, 2021

Vaccine Clinic at STRIVE PREP - RISE, April 30 (Far Northeast)

Vaccine Clinic at STRIVE PREP - RISE, April 30 (Far Northeast)   As part of Governor Polis’ efforts to ensure that every person in Colorado has access to a vaccine, […]

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January 14, 2022

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October 22, 2021

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STRIVE Prep teacher and student throwing a football

November 13, 2018

Serving Every Scholar

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