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September 27, 2019
By admin
Classroom of students

With the release of last school year’s Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) data, we are eager to celebrate areas of success and to dig in on areas where we know we need to grow.

Proficiency data is included in the chart below; Four key headlines surface for me from these results:

1. We continue to have very strong math results.

Our math results continue to be impressive at all campuses compared to other schools in Denver and we have the highest math proficiency out of all Denver CMOs (charter management organizations).

2. We are particularly proud that our math Median Growth Percentile (MGP) data at all three of our DPS schools was in the top 20% statewide. (Growth data is not yet available for RMP Fletcher.)


  • 100% of exited ELL students at Creekside (and 94% in literacy) were proficient in math
  • Our Hispanic students at Creekside and Southwest were in the top ten schools across the district for Math proficiency.

3. All schools are improving in ELA proficiency although all schools are significantly below our aspirations.

  • Southwest reduced by >17% the percentage of students in the lowest performance band, and increased by >10% the percentage of students who are at level 3 and above!
  • At Creekside, our Black students ranked in the top ten for both ELA and Math as compared to district peers, with Black students in 4th grade outperforming all other schools in the district.

4. Our turnaround schools (RMP Fletcher and RMP Berkeley) are off to great starts with their first round of state-data.

  • Fletcher has the highest math proficiency of all charter schools in Aurora and the third-highest of all schools in the district (including magnet & gifted programs).
  • Berkeley increased the percentage of students who were proficient by 20% in one year in math.

These results help us understand where our program has strengths we can continue to build on, and where we will seek to make adjustments. I am grateful to everyone in our RMP community for their contributions to our rigorous and loving philosophy of education.

2018-19 CMAS Proficiency rates for DPS and APS schools where >50% of students qualify for free or reduced lunch


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