With the recent release of PARCC scores, we are excited to share results from our Creekside campus.
Of all DPS elementary schools educating a majority of students who qualify for free or reduced lunch, RMP students’ scores ranked 1st for math and 4th for English Language Arts!

One of the other data points we are most excited about is the performance of our students who are English Language Learners (ELL).
Our ELL students specifically were the highest-performing in math across all schools in the district.

As compared to other ELL students in DPS, RMP students demonstrated the highest proficiency in Math with 49.6% of them scoring met or exceeds and achieving the 3rd highest proficiency in ELA with 38.5%. (The district averages for math and ELA are 11.7% and 13.9%, respectively.) Important to keep in mind is these are status scores - which means they represent how our students performed at a given time vs. how much they’ve grown year over year. We are eager to share our growth scores from PARCC, where our students also shined in 2016! Stay tuned!