Today, Denver Public Schools (DPS) shared the results for the 2017 School Performance Framework (SPF) ratings, a report card that tells us important information about how much our students have improved their scores on state tests from year to year, and how satisfied our students and families are with our school.
DPS uses a color-coded rating scale to show at-a-glance how schools are performing, ranging from the highest rating, Distinguished (blue) to the lowest rating, Accredited on Probation (red).
We are thrilled to share that RMP Creekside has received a Distinguished or “Blue” rating on this year’s SPF.
In fact, based on our SPF rating, RMP Creekside is the highest-performing elementary school in DPS out of schools where more than 50% of students qualify for free or reduced lunch. (#1 out of 79 schools!)

Creekside is one of only 20 schools in DPS to receive the Distinguished rating.
We are also proud of our RMP Southwest campus, which received a Meets Expectations or “Green” rating on the more limited Early SPF, and are particularly proud that Southwest is in the top five of all elementary schools that educate more than 50 percent English Language Learners.
Our Fletcher campus is a part of Aurora Public Schools, which evaluates schools using the State of Colorado SPF. We look forward to seeing our first state ranking in January 2019.