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My Spark Denver Opportunity

September 29, 2023
By Sally Winter
 My Spark Denver is a program for middle school students who qualify for free and reduced lunch. Families will receive a $1,000 debit card to enroll their child in after-school and extracurricular activities, such as sports, theater, music, art, coding, dance, martial arts, tutoring services, and more. The funds are good for the 2023-2024 school year, including summer programming. Don't miss out; apply today!
Apply in just 3 easy steps:
1. Submit your Free or reduced lunch application (Noel & Green Valley Ranch use this link; Federal, Sunnyside, & Westwood use this link)
2. Fill out your MySpark application at 
3. Once approved, you will receive a $1000 debit card to select from over 100 after-school programs for your child
Questions? Reach out to Amanda Pichnic at


September 04, 2019

Back to School Night & Family Council

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katie miraf

February 14, 2020


This year’s annual report focuses on a few of the many incredible connections happening in the RMP community -- connections we believe help make our schools the special places they […]

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March 25, 2021

Creating a leadership team to better reflect our students

STRIVE Prep is pleased to announce exciting leadership changes. Our board of trustees has three new additions and the executive leadership team has filled the roles of chief external affairs […]

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October 06, 2020

Plans for returning back to school

Dear STRIVE Prep - Families,  Our working group, composed of teachers and staff across the network, has been following Denver Health metrics closely, reviewing our teacher and family feedback, and […]

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