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September 18, 2019
By admin
Music class

“Music is a human thing.” - Alec Powell, Music Teacher, Rocky Mountain Prep Fletcher


Walking through the halls of Rocky Mountain Prep Fletcher, it’s impossible to miss the joyous sounds of Mr. Alec Powell’s music class. As the only RMP school that offers music as part of its specials curriculum, RMP Fletcher has blazed a trail, opening new doors to student growth. To learn more about this unique program, we sat down with Mr. Powell, music teacher extraordinaire.

Since joining the team, Mr. Powell has been growing the RMP Fletcher music program and recently added string instruments to complete the ensemble.

On top of developing his students’ musical prowess, Mr. Powell has used the addition of musical instruments to teach important lessons about responsibility. Scholars are invited to bring their instruments home to practice independently and are expected to return the instruments in good condition. Mr. Powell has observed an increase in maturity, positive student behavior, and responsibility, since introducing instruments to the program.

The RMP Fletcher music classroom is structured to allow small group learning. Mr. Powell has found that more intimate groups help build relationships between students, which fosters growth, learning, and classroom engagement. Additionally, “Small groups equalize the relationship between the teacher and students, creating a powerful and inclusive environment of balance and respect.”

Based on a recent increase in parent and family volunteers, it is evident that enthusiasm for RMP Fletcher’s music program is growing. Mr. Powell said, “Parents not only provided extra help in the classroom while students were rehearsing for their performances, but they also supported school teams with set-up and ushering at those performances. We know that parent involvement will be a crucial component of sustaining this program in the long-term.”

Under Mr. Powell’s loving guidance, the RMP Fletcher community has experienced the incredible effects of a high-quality music program, “The music program provides a unique opportunity for students to see one another in a different setting from a traditional classroom where preconceived biases and misconceptions are minimized."

The Fletcher music program is sponsored in part by the Foundation for Sustainable Urban Communities’ generous ongoing support. We are grateful to them for the support of a program that allows us to enhance our students’ learning with a focus on musical literacy and expression. 


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