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Flyer Friday 4/8

April 08, 2022
By admin
Principal NoteLobos Family, 

Students will take the Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. This state assessment measures student growth and student achievement in core content areas. Know that our teachers have prepared your students for this moment! What matters most is that all students put forward their best effort!  Support this initiative by ensuring your student gets a good night’s sleep and asking about their testing experience. Thank you in advance for doing your part to ensure STRIVE Prep - Federal is the #1 middle school in Denver!

Somos Lobos,
Adam Lenzmeier
CMAS TestingCMAS Testing is on April 12, 13, and 14. Here is important information:

- Students will test in English Language Arts in the morning and Math in the afternoon
- All students must arrive on time during CMAS testing. If students arrive too late, they cannot join their testing room and will need to do hours of makeup testing the next week
- Right now, 77% of our students have parent or guardian permission to be dismissed at 2:00 p.m. on April 12, 13, and 14. Call us with any questions about early dismissal or to add your student to the approved list
- Students cannot have any cell phones, AirPods, Apple Watches, or any other electronic devices with them in the testing room. Please speak to your student about the importance of turning in their devices for testing. This is a State of Colorado testing rule
8th Grade End-of-Year DatesWe are excited to celebrate our 8th grade scholars at the end of the year! Here are some important dates to add to your calendar:

- Friday, May 27: Field Day and Last Day for 8th graders (normal Friday hours)
- The last day for 6th and 7th grade is Thursday, June 2
- Thursday, June 2: 8th Grade Continuation

We are excited to be hosting our 8th Grade Continuation Ceremony at the University of Denver this year! Please expect more details in the next few weeks.
Family Visit DayOur second Family Visit Day is planned for Tuesday, April 19. It will begin at 1:00 pm and end at 3:30 pm. You will have a chance to meet with school leaders, observe various classrooms, and give us feedback. Any families that participate will get a $25 gift card (1 per family).  If you are interested, please RSVP here.
Family CouncilAll parents and guardians are invited to attend our next Family Council meeting on Tuesday, April 19* at 5 p.m. Our incoming principal, Mr. Barrett, will be joining us to talk with families about the 2022–23 school year. (*This meeting date was rescheduled.)

Whether you are a regular participant or a first-time attendee, we encourage you to come discuss important academic and school culture issues.

You can RSVP here to receive a reminder for the meeting. Refreshments and Spanish interpretation will be provided.
Mask SurveyPlease take STRIVE Prep’s mask survey to help us understand your opinions about mask wearing.
Calendar4/12-4/14: CMAS Testing (all students)
4/19: Family Visit Day 1:00-3:30 p.m. (RSVP here)
4/19: Family Council (5-6pm)
4/21: CMAS Testing (8th grade only - normal day for 6th/7th)
4/29: 7th Grade Field Trip
5/2: Online Registration for Next School Year Opens
5/3 and 5/5: Spring MAP Testing
5/6: 6th Grade Field Trip
5/12: 2022-23 Registration Event (4-7pm)
5/17: Verbal Exams
5/20: Online Registration for Next School Year Closes
5/27: Field Day5/27: Last Day of School for 8th Grade
5/30: No School6/2: 8th Grade Continuation
6/2: Award Ceremony (6th/7th Grade)
6/2: Last Day of School for 6th/7th Grade


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