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Flyer Friday 2/11

February 11, 2022
By admin
Principal NoteLobos Family,

Our vision places us at the center of excellence in academics and excellence in community. We are focused on strengthening our excellence in community. Students are encouraged to ensure tidy classrooms and safe play during unstructured times like in the cafeteria, barn, and hallways. We made art with families during this week’s Art Showcase and we can’t wait to welcome our community during Family Visit Day on Tuesday! It is an honor to work on becoming the best versions of ourselves and the #1 middle school in Denver!

Somos Lobos,
Ilana Bye
Family Visit DayWe now have 30 families signed up to participate in our Family Visit Day on February 15th from 9-11:45 am.  We hope you can join us too.  Families that attend will get a $25 King Soopers gift card.  If you are interested, please RSVP here.
School Choice Round 1 Ending SoonSchoolChoice Round 1 closes on Tuesday, February 15 at 4pm. Get your application submitted at before the deadline. We are here to help! Call us or come to the Front Office. Here are some reminders about how this works:

Current 5th graders: MUST fill out the application to pick their middle school for next year. Students at Strive Prep - Ruby Hill are NOT automatically enrolled with Strive Prep - Federal. You must submit the application and put in your top choice school

Current 6th and 7th graders: Do not need to do anything and should NOT fill out any applications. You will automatically continue with us for next year

Current 8th graders: MUST fill out the application to pick their high school for next year. Students are NOT automatically enrolled anywhere. We suggest you seriously consider Strive Prep - SMART High School, which is just up the road
Grade-Level Highlights6th: This week in World Studies, students collaboratively analyzed one of the elements of civilization to present to their peers and next Wednesday students will engage in a philosophical chairs conversation to compare learning from quarter 1 (Mesopotamia) with learning from quarter 3 (Maya). Also, in 6th grade science students engaged in a student-led socratic circle where they discussed climate change and what happens to the temperature of the world when volcanoes erupt.  

7th: This week in World Studies, students evaluated and examined theories regarding the inevitability of the Fall of the Inca Empire to the hands of the Spanish. Students worked to show mastery in their writing by acknowledging the counterclaims of their argument as well. Students will use this historical knowledge to prepare for a model UN simulation in which they advocate for the rights of Indigenous Peoples in modern times.  

8th: This week in Speech and Debate students began studying different techniques for speech delivery and debating. They are working towards a formal debate at the end of the quarter, but first they are being given the opportunity to learn debate skills through “silly” topics such as why pickles are great or defending the idea that Monster energy drinks are good for you!  Please ask your student about their debate topic!
CMAS Testing DatesCMAS is an important yearly state test that all Colorado public school students take. Please save the dates for our CMAS testing and do your best to avoid scheduling vacations and doctor appointments. If your student misses a test, they will need to do makeup testing - and that is no fun!

Tuesday, April 12 - all students
Wednesday, April 13 - all students
Thursday, April 14 - all students
Thursday, April 21 - 8th grade only (normal day for 6th/7th students)
Students of the WeekShout out to this week’s Golden Lobo nominees and winner. Students were nominated and voted on by their teachers for their excellence in demonstrating our PACK Values of Achievement, Justice, Perseverance, and Organization. Congratulations, lobos! 

Nominees: Damian, Larissa, Allison
Winner: Allison 

Nominees: Mario, Marko, Stella, and Abraham S.
Winner: Marko
Calendar2/15: Family Visit Day, RSVP here (9:00-11:45am)
2/15: SchoolChoice Round 1 Closes at 4pm
2/21-2/22: No School 
3/1: NAEP Testing (8th grade only)
3/15: Math Verbal Exams
3/17: Last Day of Quarter 3
3/17 and 3/18: Conferences
3/25: Honor Roll & Attendance Celebration (7:45-8:15am)
3/25: 8th Grade Field Trip
3/28-4/4: No School
4/5: First Day of School After Spring Break
4/12-4/14: CMAS Testing (all students)
4/19: Family Visit Day
4/21: CMAS Testing (8th grade only - normal day for 6th/7th)
4/29: 7th Grade Field Trip
5/6: 6th Grade Field Trip


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