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Flyer Friday 10/29

October 29, 2021
By admin
Principal NoteLobos Family,

Please mark your calendars! I encourage you to attend our Storytelling event on November 9 at 4:00 pm and the Family Council meeting that follows at 5:00 pm.  When our families are on campus, our community gets better! 

Somos Lobos!
Adam Lenzmeier
New Office ManagerHello Families,

My Name is Erica Aragon I am the new Office Manager at Strive Prep - Federal. I am excited to meet everyone. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. My email is or I can be reached at the front office at (720) 460-2800 Option 2. 
FED Storytelling Event

Tuesday 11/9/21
FED Storytelling
Tuesday, November 9, 2021 @ 4 PM
Carpeted Area (Basement)

We are excited to host our first FED Storytelling event where several 6th-, 7th-, and 8th-grade scholars will be sharing personal narratives that they have been writing in ELA. We encourage all families to attend and experience what your students learn about in class.

Refreshments and Spanish interpretation will be provided. Our November Family Council will immediately follow the event at 5 PM. We hope to see everyone there! 
Access Your Student’s Q1 GradesYou can view your student’s Quarter 1 final grades in Parent Portal. Log in here: If you need help accessing Parent Portal, you can call our Front Office at 720-460-2800 or call DPS at 720-423-3163.
Wireless HeadphonesIn order to ensure that all students are using their class time wisely we will no longer allow wireless headphones in class. Wired headphones are welcome. 
4th, 5th, and 6th Grade Ski PassportsThe CSCUSA Ski Passport Program offers 4th through 6th graders up to 88 days of skiing or riding at 21 of Colorado's mountains (starting at $59). Passport holders also receive 2 free ski or snowboard rentals from Christy Sports. Brochures - English and Spanish.
Calendar11/5: 6th Grade Field Trip
11/9: FED Storytelling Event, 4-5pm 
11/9: Family Council Meeting, 5-6pm
11/12: 8th Grade Field Trip
11/19: 7th Grade Field Trip
11/22-11/26: Thanksgiving Break - No School
12/13-12/16: Science Verbal Exams
12/14: Family Council Meeting, 5-6pm
12/17-1/3: Winter Break - No School
1/4: First Day of Quarter 3


Tricia Noyola at office

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