Rocky Mountain Prep Logo

Flyer Friday 1/7

January 07, 2022
By admin
Principal NoteLobos Family,

Next Tuesday and Thursday, students will take the Winter MAP Growth Assessment. This is the same test they took at the beginning of the year. It provides an opportunity for our school to see the progress we have made towards goals so far this year. As a reward, students who reach their Winter MAP goals will earn extra credit in their classes and dress down passes. Encourage your students to put in their best effort, to get good sleep and to eat a healthy breakfast so they are prepared to do their best. 

Somos lobos, 
Ilana Bye
Family CouncilAll parents and guardians are invited to attend our next Family Council meeting on Tuesday, January 11 at 5 p.m. We will be discussing MAP testing and how our school is addressing student vaping. 

Whether you are a regular participant or a first-time attendee, we encourage you to come discuss these important academic and school culture issues. 

You can RSVP here to receive a reminder for the meeting. Refreshments and Spanish interpretation will be provided.
Student and Family Feedback Request"We want to hear your ideas! What do you think students should learn about in school? What advice do you have for our senior leadership team as we create our new strategic goals? Share your opinions!  Please come meet with our Chief Academic Officer to share your voice on the direction of our schools.

Students, join us virtually on Monday, January 10th from 5-6:00 PM.

Parents, join us from 6:15-7:15.

A Zoom link will be sent to those who register. Attendees will have the chance to win a $20 gift card as part of a drawing.

Register Here
Basketball season updates!Hey Lobo families! Strive Federal Basketball season is underway!   We are very excited to have started practicing and hopefully we will be able to complete the season.  Middle School athletics are very important to us.  We understand the importance of coaching and molding successful student athletes both on and off the court.   Moving forward, if you have any questions regarding games,  our practices or players, please feel free to reach out to the following:

Mr. Spencer (Boy’s Coach)
Ms. Feller (Girls Coach)
Ms. J (Athletic Director) 

Our first game is next Wednesday 1/12 vs. Highline Academy.  Game times are as follow:
Girls will began @ 4:45p 
Boys will began @ 5:45p

Transportation to all games both to and from will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian.   Practice will be weekly on Monday & Friday from 3:45pm - 5pm unless there is a game scheduled on that day.   Attached, you will find a copy of our league schedule and a one pager of player expectations. Please know these game times and dates can switch or cancel at any given time.  We will do our best to keep everyone up to date! 

Basketball Player Expectations
Strive Federal B- Ball Schedule  
Calendar1/11: MAP Testing
1/11: Family Council (5-6pm)
1/13: MAP Testing
1/14: 7th Grade FIeld Trip (Rescheduled from 11/19)
1/14: SchoolChoice Round 1 Opens
1/17: No School
1/25: 8th Grade SchoolChoice Application Night (3:30-5:30)
1/25-1/27: ACCESS Testing
2/8: Art Showcase and Family Council
2/15: Family Visit Day 
2/15: SchoolChoice Round 1 Closes at 4pm
2/21-2/22: No School 


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