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Flyer Friday 1/28

January 28, 2022
By admin
Principal NoteLobos Family,

We look forward to welcoming interested families to our first Family Visit Day on Tuesday, February 15. Families will have a chance to meet with school leaders, observe classrooms, provide us with feedback, and enjoy lunch with their students. If you are interested, please fill out this interest survey so we can plan for your attendance! See the next section for more information. 

We continue to work on becoming the best versions of ourselves by putting in effort and listening to our inner voice, our peers’ ideas, and our staff’s guidance. We strive to get better and better each day. Thank you for your support and partnership. We make the most progress when we work together!

Somos lobos,
Ilana Bye
Family Visit DayOur first Family Visit Day is planned for Tuesday, February 15th.  It will begin at 9am and end around 12 noon. You will have a chance to meet with school leaders, observe various classrooms, give us your feedback, and enjoy lunch with your student/s.  Any families that participate will get a $25 gift card (1 per family).  If you are interested, please RSVP here.
Free Money for Taking Weekly COVID TestsStudents whose parents/guardians sign them up for weekly rapid COVID testing get $25 the first time they get tested and then $10/week after that. Testing will happen at school each Thursday morning during arrival. This is literally free money for getting COVID tested each week. Testing will begin on Thursday, February 3, and you can sign up any time, including after February 3.

Click here to sign your student up for free money.

If you need any help signing up for any reason, call us at 720-460-2800, then option 2, then option 0.
NAEP Testing (8th Grade Only)Parents/guardians of 8th-graders, please read a letter about NAEP testing on March 1. The letter is in English and Spanish.
Students of the weekShout out to this week’s Golden Lobo nominees and winner. Students were nominated and voted on by their teachers for their excellence in demonstrating our PACK Values of Achievement, Justice, Perseverance, and Organization.

Congratulations, lobos! Nominees: Gael - Gema - Daya

Winner: Gael
Calendar1/28 and 1/31: Hearing & Vision Screenings
1/31: School Choice Application Night, 3:30-5:30
2/8: School Choice Application Night, 3:30-5:30
2/8: Art Showcase (4:00-5:30pm)
2/8: Family Council (5:30-6:00pm)
2/15: Family Visit Day, RSVP here (9:00-11:45am)
2/15: SchoolChoice Round 1 Closes at 4pm
2/21-2/22: No School 3/1: NAEP Testing (8th grade only)
3/15: Math Verbal Exams
3/17: Last Day of Quarter 3
3/17 and 3/18: Conferences


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