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Flyer Friday 1/21

January 21, 2022
By admin
Principal NoteLobos Family,

Next week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, students taking English Language Development (ELD) classes will get to show how much they’ve grown in English on the ACCESS Assessment. As a result, we will have an adjusted schedule these days. If you have any questions about your student's schedule on January 25-27, contact their advisor or our front office. 

Monday was Martin Luther King Jr. Day. At Strive Prep, one of our core beliefs is Justice. Dr. King fought for racial justice. We reflect on his work and are inspired this week by the following quote, “Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of a true education.” Our vision is to build a community at the center of Academic and Community Excellence. We are grateful to build that community with our students and families. 

Somos lobos,
Ilana Bye
Academic UpdatesScience classes are deep into their new units about Climate Change (6th Grade), Phase Changes (7th grade), and Natural Selection (8th grade).  They are learning how to analyze graphs, charts, and scientific models to use the best evidence to support their scientific claims.

Gym classes are playing new games, such as speedball, and continuing to run a mile each Wednesday.  Art is busy working on self-expression pieces via mediums such as watercolor and charcoal.  Students are preparing their art work to create an artist's statement, where they can describe their piece and the inspiration behind it.

In 6th grade Math, students are in their Free Willy unit and working on geometry and simplifying expressions. They are receiving homework around 2 nights a week! In 7th grade Math, students just began their Crazy Rich Asians unit to work on probability, angles, and percents. In 8th grade Math, students are about to begin their Remember the Titans unit to work on systems of equations and the Pythagorean Theorem. In all grade levels, students are preparing for their Math verbals at the end of the quarter! 

English classes are currently reading Inside Out and Back Again (6th ELA), Wicked History (7th ELA), and Sabrina & Corina (8th ELA). All students are receiving their own personal copy of a text, which they can annotate and take home at the end of the quarter. Be sure to ask your student about both what they are reading in class and what book they are reading for personal enjoyment at home!

Speech and Debate classes are working on historical speeches (6th grade), storytelling (7th grade), and debate (8th grade). Students are performing a piece almost every week – ask them about their performances or to practice for your family!

World Studies classes are studying the Maya (6th grade), indigenous rights (7th grade), and early U.S. history (8th grade). Students’ are developing their critical thinking skills for examining present day issues and realities by looking at how our world’s history has unfolded. 
Golden Lobos (Students of the Week)This quarter we introduced a new student recognition called Golden Lobo.  Students are nominated and voted on by their teachers for their excellence in demonstrating our PACK Values of Achievement, Justice, Perseverance, and Organization. Below are the nominees/winner from Jan 21. 

Nominees: Areli - Marko - Natalie

Winner: Areli
School ChoiceSchoolChoice Round 1 closes on Tuesday, February 15 at 4pm. Applications get submitted at We are offering help to families at multiple Application Nights: 

Tuesday, January 25, 3:30-5:30 (focus is on our 8th graders but open to all)
Monday, January 31, 3:30-5:30
Tuesday, February 8, 3:30-5:30

Call our front office if you need any help!
Mini Cheer CampStrive Prep - SMART’s Cheer Team is hosting a mini cheer camp on Saturday, February 5th from 8-12p for ages 4-12 (grades K-7). The cost is only $25 and participants will receive a shirt if they register early as well as snacks and will perform for parents at the end of camp. Check out this flyer for more information.
TardiesWe have noticed an increase in students arriving tardy to class. It is important for our lessons to have a strong start at the beginning of class. Talk with your student about the importance of making it to all of their classes on time. Being in class is the best way for us to learn and reach our goals. 
Information on VapingVaping and the use of nicotine products among adolescents is now designated as a national epidemic. It has been marketed in a way that makes it appealing to teens. Vapes are easy to conceal and unfortunately easy to get. 

We encourage you to talk to your students about vaping. Here are facts about vaping from the CDC website. Here is a short youtube video that we encourage you to watch with your students from Minnesota Center for Prevention. 
Free Rapid Covid TestsThe US Government is sending free rapid covid tests to anyone who requests them. You can do that here:
Calendar1/25: 8th Grade SchoolChoice Application Night (3:30-5:30)
1/25-1/27: ACCESS Testing
2/8: Art Showcase and Family Council
2/15: Family Visit Day 
2/15: SchoolChoice Round 1 Closes at 4pm
2/21-2/22: No School 


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