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Flyer Friday 1/14

January 14, 2022
By admin
Principal NoteLobos Family,

It was an exciting week! Our students worked incredibly hard on their MAP Growth Assessments in Reading, Language, and Math. Many students met their growth goals and all of us have a better understanding of our progress. Thank you for helping to calm your students' nerves and for encouraging them to eat and rest well. We are motivated by seeing progress toward our Big Goal - to be the #1 middle school in Denver!

Ilana Bye
Dress Down Pass RewardsStudents who met their MAP Growth goals will receive a pass to dress down for a full week! Next week, students who met their goal for READING will dress down! Students will have a paper pass if they did earn the ability to dress down.  Congratulations!
Golden Lobos (Students of the Week)This quarter we introduced a new student recognition called Golden Lobo.  Students are nominated and voted on by their teachers for their excellence in demonstrating our PACK Values of Achievement, Justice, Perseverance, and Organization. Below are the nominees/winners from Jan 7 and Jan 14. 

Jan 7 

Nominees: Gema M., Jaime A., Jamie M.
Winner: Jamie M. 

Jan 14 

Nominees: Alex M., Anixa Joselyn S., Esme G.
Winner: Esme G.
Q2 Report CardsOur Front Office sent home Quarter 2 Report Cards in the mail on Friday, January 7. They should have arrived at your home this week. If you did NOT receive your student’s report card in the mail, please call our front office to make sure we have your correct address. Our number is 720-460-2800, option 2.
SchoolChoiceThe SchoolChoice process opened today at 10am! Below, you will find important information about it:

Current 5th graders: MUST fill out the application to pick their middle school for next year. Students at Strive Prep - Ruby Hill are NOT automatically enrolled with Strive Prep - Federal. You must submit the application and put in your top choice school

Current 6th and 7th graders: Do not need to do anything and should NOT fill out any applications. You will automatically continue with us for next year

Current 8th graders MUST fill out the application to pick their high school for next year. Students are NOT automatically enrolled anywhere. We suggest you seriously consider Strive Prep - SMART High School, which is just up the road

SchoolChoice Round 1 closes on Tuesday, February 15 at 4pm. Get your application submitted at as soon as you can. We are here to help! Come to our school during an Application Night and we will help you.

Wednesday, January 19, 3:30-6:30
Tuesday, January 25, 3:30-5:30
Monday, January 31, 3:30-5:30
Student Work during Covid QuarantineIf your student is quarantined due to Covid-19, there is no requirement for them to complete schoolwork. This is so they can focus on recovery. If you or your student wants to do optional work, please check out this list of academic work they can complete while quarantined. Students should email their advisors or teachers with further questions or requests.
Free Hygiene ResourceSTRIVE Prep Federal and STRIVE Prep Ruby Hill have a resource room stocked with free hygiene items including diapers and baby wipes, shampoo, soap, laundry detergent, and toilet paper. Please stop by Mondays 3:30-4:30 and Thursdays 8:00-9:00 to take what you need. This will take place in room 127 in STRIVE Prep Ruby Hill: please follow signs to the room or stop at the front desk to ask for directions. Please note that the resource room will be closed on days that the school is closed (for example, January 17th). Please call the front office at (720) 460-2800 to schedule an appointment to shop. 
Hearing and Vision ScreeningPlease read this letter from our School Nurse about upcoming Hearing and Vision screening. The letter is in English and Spanish.
Summer Camp OpportunityLooking for something for your child to do this summer? Take a look at these opportunities through the Young Americans Center For Financial Education. 
Calendar1/14: 7th Grade FIeld Trip (Rescheduled from 11/19)
1/14: SchoolChoice Round 1 Opens
1/17: No School
1/25: 8th Grade SchoolChoice Application Night (3:30-5:30)
1/25-1/27: ACCESS Testing
2/8: Art Showcase and Family Council
2/15: Family Visit Day 
2/15: SchoolChoice Round 1 Closes at 4pm
2/21-2/22: No School 


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