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May 30, 2019
By admin
Teacher with student

ICYMI, we were hard at work celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week. But our appreciation of our teachers doesn’t end at the end of Teacher Appreciation Week! We work hard to make sure teachers at RMP feel loved, valued, and appreciated all year long. We asked our teachers which “perks” are their favorite and why those things make them feel so appreciated. Here are the top 10 things teachers at Fletcher and Berkeley value the most and why:

10. Summer retreat: Every summer, RMP staff spends two days in the mountains to recharge and build connection and trust among the team.

9. Coffee & snacks: There are always a variety of delicious snacks, tea, and coffee available in teacher and staff kitchens/workrooms to keep our teachers caffeinated and nourished!

8. Monthly DEI workshops: We hold monthly DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) workshops to reflect on our identities, power, privilege, and building connections across lines of difference so that we can create inclusive and loving learning environments for our students.

7. PEAK awards: These awards are given out at the holiday and end of year parties to celebrate and recognize people who are living out our PEAK values: Perseverance, Excellence, Adventure, and Kindness.

QuoteI feel valued and loved when I am cared for personally! I am shown through these things that I am a valued member of the team.

6. Coaching & feedback: Teachers and staff have opportunities for weekly feedback with their teacher mentors, coaches and principals.

5. Happy hours, staff parties & other celebrations of life: There are frequent happy hours, social gatherings, morning mindfulness, baby showers and birthday celebrations. Every staff member updates a “treats and deets” spreadsheet at the beginning of each year so that they can be celebrated and treated in ways that are the most special to them!

Quote: I love random, unexpected treats. I especially love the treats & deets doc- getting (& giving!) treats to colleagues makes my day every time!

4. Late start or early leave: Once per month, teachers have the option of arriving to school late or leaving early.

QuoteI love the Late Start/Leave Early because it helps to maintain a better work/life balance and take care of myself for the morning/afternoon. It also helps me to feel supported by my peers that cover my classroom.

QuoteAs a teacher, time is the largest obstacle in work/life balance….late starts and leave early's help teachers take time for self care and meet wellness and health needs by providing time within the work week to schedule appointments without it impacting attendance. For me, it allows me time to pick up my daughter and show up for my family and my health which lets me come in as my best self for my students.

3. Wellness benefit: All RMP teachers are given a $500 wellness stipend for the year. They can use this for gym memberships, ski passes, concert tickets, and more!

QuoteEnsuring that we spend money on things that make us whole allow us to be fully present and live our mission everyday with our kids. Happy teachers = happy students

Quote: The wellness benefit is my number 1. It helps the work/life balance and helps me spend time on things that fill me up so I am able to show up to work as my best self.

2. 250+ hours of professional development: RMP teachers receive more than double the amount of PD and coaching compared to the national average. There is scheduled professional development time every Friday as well as other workshops and trainings throughout the year.

1. Classroom spending allowance & unlimited book ordering: Each teacher receives an annual budget to create the best possible learning environment in their classroom, as well as an unlimited amount of book ordering.

QuoteHaving such a large book and classroom budget allows me to support my kids without having to use my own money. I love being able to buy them new books when they pass a STEP level or ordering a series they are really excited about.

QuoteI've used so much of my own money in the past to purchase supplies, books, and more, for my students that it took me a while to realize most of that has been covered while working at RMP.


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