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April 12, 2019
By admin
group of students

Rocky Mountain Prep is such an extraordinary place and our students are the reason our schools are so special. We recently had the chance to meet with Estrella or “Ella,” for short, to chat with her about Rocky Mountain Prep. We asked her different questions about school, her classes, and her favorite part of the day. Here is what Ella, a 3rd grade student, in Ms. Beard’s class at RMP Fletcher shared with us!

Q: What is your favorite part about coming to RMP?

A: I love math because there are a lot of numbers and I love adding and subtracting.

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?

A: I want to be a dancer because I’ve done dance for a long time and know I would be great.

Q: How does RMP make you feel?

A: My classmates make me feel happy because I can tell them how I feel.

Q: What are you reading right now?

A: I am reading Just Breathe.

Q: What is your favorite part of the school day and why?

A: My favorite part is ‘morning meeting’ because we talk in a circle and everyone shares.

Q: What did you learn today or yesterday?

A: I learned how to tell time.

Q: What do you love about RMP?

A: I love learning new stuff. I’m excited to learn how to tell time.

Q: Who do you look up to at RMP?

A: My friend Nancy is my hero because I can tell her how I feel and she helps me when I’m sad.


January 07, 2022

Flyer Friday 1/7

Principal Note Lobos Family, Next Tuesday and Thursday, students will take the Winter MAP Growth Assessment. This is the same test they took at the beginning of the year. It […]

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August 21, 2019

¡Para participar en la rifa de una tarjeta de regalo de $50 de Target!

Escriba comentarios sobre nuestra escuela, ¡para participar en la rifa de una tarjeta de regalo de $50 de Target! Por favor envíe una foto de pantalla de sus comentarios a […]

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monica blog

February 15, 2019


As we reflect on our impact over the last year, we thought it most important to hear from those who know us best — our students, family members, and staff. […]

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April 08, 2022

Flyer Friday 4/8

Principal Note Lobos Family,  Students will take the Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. This state assessment measures student growth and student achievement in core […]

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