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STRIVE Prep- SMART student breaking barriers and setting world records in youth Bocce Volo

January 18, 2022
By admin

STRIVE Prep - SMART's very own Jose Serna traveled to Monaco this past September to compete in the 2021 Challenge International Denis Ravera tournament. His efforts landed him fourth place overall in the precision throw event and he set the record for being the first ever United States Latino to compete at this level in this  tournament. 

Serna has also received an invitation to one of the most prestigious youth competitions in Europe in 2022, the Youth World Cup. Due to the circumstances of COVID-19, the host country has yet to be decided. 

Read all about his incredible story here!


annual report cover

February 14, 2018


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Tiempo de escoger una opción de aprendizaje para el segundo cuartel!

  Queridas Familias de STRIVE Prep- Westwood,    Espero que usted y sus seres queridos estén bien y saludables en este momento. Les escribo hoy con una actualización para el […]

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Flyer Friday 9/24

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