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STRIVE Prep COVID-19 policy - 4/27/22

April 05, 2022
By admin


STRIVE Prep schools are currently requiring masks in school buildings.


STRIVE Prep is requiring all staff to be vaccinated against COVID-19.


If Your Child is Sick

If any of the following symptoms are present or if you think that your child is sick, keep the student at home, inform the school of symptoms, and reach out to a health care provider about COVID-19 testing and treatment.


Reminder: If a student or staff member shows usual, unchanged symptoms of a known chronic condition (e.g., allergies or asthma) they can go to school/work/activities.



  • If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID, they are required to report their case by letting their school or supervisor know.
  • The positive individual is required to stay home and isolate for 5 days past the first day of symptoms (or 5 days past the testing date if they are asymptomatic). They may return on day 6 as long as they are fever-free and feeling mostly better.
  • Students and staff no longer need to quarantine for possible exposures to COVID-19.


Building Guidance

  • Visitors, volunteers, and families are permitted at schools and in school buildings.
  • Athletic events, student performances, competitions and school events (such as graduation and school dances) can operate at full capacity, as permitted by the size of the venue, and without further health-related restrictions.
  • Student meal times can resume normal operations.
  • All in-person meetings can return to full capacity, and virtual platforms can continue to be used for meetings as appropriate.


October 22, 2021

New Principal Feature

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December 10, 2021

Flyer Friday 12/10

Principal Note Lobos Family,  I am excited to announce that STRIVE Prep - Federal’s Principal Fellow, Mrs. Bye, will be leading the school from January 3 until March 25. This […]

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October 24, 2019

We're so proud of Jacob for being a finalist for Youth of the Year!

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March 17, 2020

Resources available and COVID-19 updates (Español)

Dear STRIVE Prep Families,  Beginning Wednesday, March 18, all STRIVE Prep schools will be closed and teachers and staff will be working remotely. Additionally, this morning the State of Colorado […]

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