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Meet the Class of 2018: Diana Reyes

April 23, 2018
By Sally Winter
STRIVE Prep senior
April 23, 2018

Diana Reyes
Senior at STRIVE Prep – SMART

For the past seven year, Diana Reyes has been an amazing asset to the STRIVE Prep community. Her journey hasn’t always been easy, but through strong relationship building with some of her favorite teachers, she has grown from a sixth grader who didn’t think about college much at all to a young leader who is ready to shout to the world her choice of college at Senior Signing Day on May 3.

What relationships has STRIVE Prep brought you that have changed your life?

In elementary school they didn’t bring up college ever, but once I went to STRIVE Prep it was promoted a lot, so it became something I started paying attention to. Teachers talked about their college experience and our classrooms were named after colleges so it made me more aware of it as an option, I knew as soon as I entered my freshman year I knew I wanted to focus on getting scholarships. I’m thankful for Ms. Trujillo, Salazar and Mr. Garduño, their guidance has helped me determine what I want to do in life.

Outside of the classroom, what have your peers and your school community taught you?

I’ve learned there’s a lot of opportunities for activism out there. Something I’ve recently learned is that it’s up to us. They’ve showed me that you need to be determined and focused on your goals to make a positive difference.

Where do you see yourself in the context of today’s social issues?

I’m thankful that I had an 8th grade seminar that got me thinking about social issues earlier in my life. I’m also thankful for Mr. Romero teaching Civics. Those kinds of classes are important and they helped me learn to think with reason. There’s a lot of ignorance in today’s world and these classes taught me how to be solutions oriented.



What classes have taught you the most at STRIVE Prep?

For me, I still remember my seminar class in 8th grade with Ms. Gallegos. Words cannot describe how amazing taking that class with her was.  She still is such a role model to me. She came from the same background as me. In the past four years she’s still made the time to reach out to me even though she moved out-of-state and it’s taught me the importance of finding great relationships with people who can help you reach your potential.

How do you feel prepared to take on what’s next in life?

Being involved in sports has taught me so much about what it means to be a leader. I always wanted to be a captain or co-captain and that taught me a lot about patience and working with people who aren’t like you. Now I know that everyone learns and processes different and using patience and hardwork has helped me realize I’m capable of anything.


How do you approach taking risks and rising to challenges?

Most of the time, I’m a planner. I like to think about what I need to do before I do it, but I’ve also learned that when things challenge you, sometimes you just have to go for it.

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?

I hope I’ve finished college with a degree in business or marketing and can either be a small-business owner or doing something with business organization.

What advice do you have for the younger STRIVE Prep students?

If you are a scholar who is top of class, keep it up. If you’re struggling, find that one teacher who can give you some support, getting that guidance will help you realize what you’re capable of.


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