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Learn more about Principal Daniel Vivas!

October 22, 2021
By admin

We are so honored and proud to introduce our three new principals residing at STRIVE Prep - Sunnyside, STRIVE Prep - Montbello, and STRIVE Prep - SMART. STRIVE Prep principals not only inspire, but they empower every single one of our students to be the best version of themselves every day. 

We had the pleasure of doing a small interview with each one and now it's your turn. Take a moment and get to know your principal a little better!

Read their feature here!


October 14, 2022

Board Notice - FMLI program vote

NOTICE OF BOARD MEETING Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of STRIVE Prep will be held on Monday, October 17, 2022, at 4:00 PM […]

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October 22, 2021

Alumni to Teacher: Brandon Ware at STRIVE Prep - Federal

Tell us about your time as a student with STRIVE Prep. What school(s) did you go to and what years? I attended the STRIVE Prep Highland campus from 2010-2013. During […]

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April 20, 2021

Accountability in today's verdict and more work toward justice

On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a Black man, was murdered by Derek Chauvin, an officer of the state, for nothing more than allegedly presenting a counterfeit bill at a […]

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September 01, 2020

BESS Screener 20-21

Dear Parent or Guardian: As part of our effort to support the Whole Child, our school will be implementing a universal social and emotional screening for students.  Universal social and […]

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