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Kindergartners and 1st graders will remain remote until October 21

September 21, 2020
By admin

Dear STRIVE Prep - Ruby Hill Families, 

I hope you and your loved ones are well and healthy at this time. I am writing today with an update for Quarter 2. Denver Public Schools has announced that  kindergartners will be returning to in person learning on September 28. Though we are excited to welcome our youngest learners back when it is safe to do so, after much consideration and input from staff and families, we have determined that STRIVE Prep-Ruby Hill kindergartners and 1st graders will not return to in person learning until our original return date of October 21 for the following reasons:

    • Consistency: In these ever-changing times, we know that it is important that we stay true to our commitment so that you and your family can plan ahead for what is best for you. Our commitment this Fall was to remain remote (100% online) through the first quarter and to reevaluate our learning model for Quarter 2. We will stick with this commitment and remain remote for the remainder of Quarter 1, which ends October 16. 
    • Health and Safety of our Staff and Students: This remains the number one goal for STRIVE Prep. We are continuing to follow the health metrics and are concerned about the small uptick in cases recently. We want to ensure that we have the strongest health and safety procedures in place. The new DPS timeline felt like a very quick turnaround for our school community to ensure the strongest health protocols. 
    • Family and Staff Feedback: While we have heard from staff and families that they are interested in returning, both families and staff have expressed that they prioritize a safe, well-planned return rather than returning as soon as possible.
    • High Quality Instruction: We are committed to providing your students with high quality, joyful instruction whether in person or online. Sticking with our original plan to remain remote through Quarter 1 allows the high quality remote instruction we have been providing to remain strong for the next three weeks. 

 Our Quarter 2 planning committee has met and reviewed the CDC health guidelines, recent health metrics, and family and staff feedback from surveys, and determined that, pending consistent or improving health data over the next month, STRIVE Prep - Ruby Hill students may return for all grades K-5 in Quarter 2. Our timeline is as follows: 

  • Oct 19 and 20: Fall break 
  • Oct 21: Students return to STRIVE Prep - Ruby Hill (all grades) 

When making a decision regarding your student’s plan for Quarter 2, please consider the following proposed plan for in-person learning:

  • The school day will likely run from  8am to 2pm with students arriving from 7:30am-8:00am.
  • We hope students will be in cohort groups of 15 to 20, and will remain with that group in the same classroom for the entire school day. 
  • Students will have sustained interaction with only 2 teachers the entire day.
  • Learning experiences will mirror what students have been doing from home, relying on technology for completion of most lessons but having access to in-person support from their teacher, as well.
  • Masks will be required to be worn at all times, except when eating.
  • All students will have their own school supplies that they use each day and will not share with other students.
  • Colorado I Have A Dream will continue to offer one-on-one sessions from Team Care and run the Virtual Extended Learning program after school hours. We are awaiting guidance on whether in person after school programming can occur this year.

 We hope our remote learning model for Quarter 2 can look like the following: 

  • Students will engage in lessons with their teachers and peers, whether those teachers and peers are teaching and learning from the school building or online.
  • The schedule will mostly be the same as they have had so far this school year, with the exception of longer breaks during the day to account for breaks needed for students at school like snack time and recess.

Please note that though we think this is the most likely version of what school will look like in Quarter 2, things may change depending on health metrics and the numbers of students and staff that decide to return in person. You can always choose to move to remote learning at any time. Families that choose to be remote are expected to remain remote for the remainder of the quarter due to the challenges of planning for additional and unexpected students in the building during this time. If a family chooses remote learning for their student and has a significant change in circumstances that makes learning in person a necessity, that family should contact the principal’s office to make arrangements.

Please let us know if your student is planning on returning to school in person October 21st or if they plan on remaining in remote learning HERE by Friday, September 25. 


As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly.


With deepest appreciation,


Andrew McKee 


STRIVE Prep - Ruby Hill




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