Rocky Mountain Prep Logo


October 16, 2019
By admin
two students

On a typical Rocky Mountain Prep day, students are learning, teachers are wowing, and RMP parents are everywhere: volunteering in classrooms, observing lessons, and helping RMP expand our community. As part of our mission, we strive to ensure every family (not just those in our network) has access to the information required to navigate their student’s educational experience. Rooted in this belief, we hire current RMP family members to support our recruitment and outreach efforts as part of our Family Recruiter program.

RMP family recruiters work directly with other families in Denver and Aurora, providing resources for and information about school choice and RMP. While part of this program, we help our family recruiters develop as leaders so they can bring about the change they seek at RMP and their broader community. This program engages 10-11 recruiters during peak enrollment season, with three parents/guardians staying on to support outreach throughout the spring and summer months.

We asked current Family Recruiter, Lorena Popoca, what this role has meant to her: “When you find something great, like Rocky Mountain Prep, you want to share it with others! My passion and love for the school have made this role feel more like a mission than a job. I love it and truly believe the best way for a family to learn about a school is to hear the experiences of a current parent.”

Lorena and her daughter, Sophia

This work is vital to our mission. Every day at RMP it’s all hands on deck to spread the word about our schools, as well as provide educational resources all over Denver and Aurora. Not only have we seen incredible success in this initiative, but four of our family recruiters have since joined RMP in full-time positions!

*RMP’s Family Recruiter Program recently received recognition from the Colorado Department of Education as a Promising Partnership Practice.



April 12, 2022

Seats still available in your boundary school, enroll for 22-23!

There’s still time to enroll your child in your boundary school for the 2022-23 school year.  STRIVE Prep offers some of the best, FREE, K-12 schools in your neighborhood and […]

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gaby and student

January 17, 2016


Denver Public Schools uses the School Performance Framework (SPF) to evaluate its schools and share how well each school in the district is doing. This report card helps all of us understand […]

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March 13, 2020

Our focus during this time

Dear STRIVE Prep Community,  With all that's going on with the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to give you an update on what steps STRIVE Prep is taking during this time. […]

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November 05, 2021

Flyer Friday 11/5

Principal Note Lobos Family, Join us on Tuesday, November 9 at 4pm for our Storytelling event and for the Family Council meeting that follows. Our students are excited to show […]

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