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Flyer Friday 3/25

March 25, 2022
By admin
Principal NotesLobos Family,

After serving as a school leader for the past 10 years, I have made the difficult decision to not return to the principal seat next year. Having said that, the future is very bright at STRIVE Prep - Federal. After a rigorous interview process, Mr. Barrett has been selected as the incoming principal. He has been an effective leader in our community and has worked hard to build trusting relationships with all stakeholders. Congratulations Mr. Barrett!

There are 9 weeks of school remaining between Spring Break and Summer Break. Our BIG Goal is to be the  #1 middle school in Denver. Let’s finish strong! 

Somos Lobos,
Adam Lenzmeier


Lobos community, 

My name is Berto Barrett and I will be the Principal at STRIVE Prep - Federal next year.  I have spent the last seven years as a teacher, athletic director, and assistant principal here at STRIVE Prep - Federal, and I am honored to lead this community next year.  I am eager to collaborate with our staff, students, and parents to make next year our best year yet.

Somos Lobos,
Berto Barrett
Award CeremonyToday’s Award Ceremony recognized the excellent academic achievement and attendance of about 75 students. The families of these students were invited to a Waffle Breakfast to celebrate their student’s accomplishments. Check out these photos:

Soccer TournamentAbout 70 students used their Bonus Bucks to participate in an after-school soccer tournament this week! Check out some photos from the event.

Family Visit Day #2Save the Date!

Our next Family Visit Day is Tuesday, April 19. We will share more information after Spring Break.
Calendar3/28-4/4: No School
4/5: First Day of School After Spring Break
4/12-4/14: CMAS Testing (all students)
4/19: Family Visit Day
4/21: CMAS Testing (8th grade only - normal day for 6th/7th)
4/29: 7th Grade Field Trip
5/2: Online Registration Opens for Next School Year
5/3 and 5/5: Spring MAP Testing
5/12: 2022-23 Registration Event (4-7pm)
5/17: Verbal Exams
5/6: 6th Grade Field Trip
6/2: 8th Grade Continuation (more details soon)


The 2021-22 school year kicks off next week and we’re ready for our best year yet!

August 12, 2021

The 2021-22 school year kicks off next week and we’re ready for our best year yet!

All STRIVE Prep schools are open for 100% in-person learning as the new school year begins next week.  Students will be beginning at different times depending on grade and school […]

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gaby and student

January 17, 2016


Denver Public Schools uses the School Performance Framework (SPF) to evaluate its schools and share how well each school in the district is doing. This report card helps all of us understand […]

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May 20, 2020

Strive Prep Montbello 8th Grade Continuation

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September 13, 2021

Make Your Voice Heard

Dear STRIVE Prep families, We’re writing today with some information about a really important local election In November, Denver will elect four members to the local school board. These members […]

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