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Flyer Friday 3/18

March 18, 2022
By admin
Principal NoteLobos Family,

Next week is the last week of school before Spring Break. We will have school Monday through Friday with a couple of special events. On Wednesday afternoon, students can play or watch our Incentive Soccer Tournament in the Barn (they must purchase a ticket with Bonus Bucks in advance). On Friday morning, our community will celebrate excellence in academics and attendance. We have a lot to celebrate from the first part of 2022! 

Somos Lobos,
Ilana Bye 
Math Verbals19 community members spent the entire day at Federal on Tuesday to judge students’ verbal exams. Students demonstrated their understanding of coordinate grids and proportions, tax and discount, debt and profit, slope-intercept equations and systems of equations. Students impressed software developers, medical professionals, and University of Denver staff members because they were excellent. Be sure to ask your student how it went and how they will continue to grow before Quarter 4 Verbals on May 16th. 

Soccer TournamentStudents who would like to watch or play in our Incentive Soccer Tournament can buy tickets using $50 Bonus Bucks! The event will take place on Wednesday, March 23 from 4:00-5:30pm. 
Take our Spring Family SurveyMore than 30 families have already taken the Spring Family Survey! Please strongly consider completing the survey. It is available in both English and Spanish. The survey will take you about 2-4 minutes. Thank you so much for taking the time to give us information and feedback; we read every submission.
Final Q3 GradesThank you to all the students and families who attended conferences yesterday and today! The grades received at conferences are progress reports because the gradebook does not close until midnight on Monday, March 21st. Please log in to the DPS Parent Portal beginning March 22nd to review your student’s finalized grades after all exams and assignments have been posted. As always, your student’s advisor is available for questions or follow-up. 
Reproductive Health ProgramOver the next month, students will participate in 3-5 reproductive health sessions taught by educators from the Responsible Sex Education Institute (RSEI) of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains. These lessons will take place during normally scheduled science classes with Strive Prep staff present to facilitate.

The topics of the lessons are:
- Anatomy
- Puberty 
- Intro to Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression
- Healthy Relationships
- Consent
- Reducing Sexual Risk          
If you have concerns about your student participating in this program, please contact Assistant Principal Robert Barrett at Please let us know by 8am on Monday, March 21 if you don’t want your student to participate. 
Calendar3/32: Incentive Soccer Tournament (4:00-5:30pm)
3/25: Honor Roll & Attendance Celebration (7:20-8:10am - by invitation only)
3/25: 8th Grade Field Trip
3/28-4/4: No School
4/5: First Day of School After Spring Break
4/12-4/14: CMAS Testing (all students)
4/19: Family Visit Day
4/21: CMAS Testing (8th grade only - normal day for 6th/7th)
4/29: 7th Grade Field Trip
5/6: 6th Grade Field Trip
6/2: 8th Grade Continuation (more details soon)


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