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Flyer Friday 12/10

December 10, 2021
By admin
Principal NoteLobos Family, 

I am excited to announce that STRIVE Prep - Federal’s Principal Fellow, Mrs. Bye, will be leading the school from January 3 until March 25. This is Mrs. Bye’s third year at Strive Prep - Federal. This planned interim principalship experience is a core component of the principal licensure process. Know that I will continue to support Mrs. Bye and the entire school community from beginning to end. 

Somos Lobos!
Adam Lenzmeier
PosadaWe can’t wait to see you all at our Posada! 

When: Tuesday, December 14, 4-6pm
Where: Basement at our school
What: Food, music, games, activities, pinatas, live music, and more!
Why: To have fun as a community
Who: All our families, including Ruby Hill 5th grade families

You can bring some food to share if you would like to, but it is NOT required. See you there! 
Verbals + Semester 1 Final AssessmentsNext week is the last week of semester 1! We have enjoyed having students back in person and have been so impressed by students’ willingness to dig deep into learning this year. On Tuesday, December 14th, all middle school students who take a Science class will be completing their verbal exam. Tuesday through Thursday, students in World Studies will be completing final presentations or exams. All week, students in Speech and Debate will be performing their final pieces of the semester and students in English Language Arts (ELA) courses will be revising and submitting their final essays. It will be a big week! Please support your students by encouraging them to sleep well and arrive on time each day. 
Movie NightMovie Night is our Reward Incentive that students who have earned at least $50 Bonus Bucks can choose to attend. Students and parents/guardians can see how many Bonus Bucks a student has by logging into LiveSchool. Students voted and selected The Nightmare Before Christmas as their movie. It will take place on Wednesday, Dec 15 after school until 5:30pm. 
Community Dress Alike DaysStudents are welcome to participate in a dress up week with their teachers. We will be dressing up in the following ways on the following days. If not dressing for each day, students should be in their uniform. 

Monday, December 13 - jeans + all/mostly black shirt
Tuesday, December 14  - hat
Wednesday, December 15 - plaid
Thursday, December 16 - (holiday) sweater
Calendar12/14: Science Verbal Exams
12/14: 6th grade Legacy Museum presentation (during school)
12/14: Posada (4-6pm)
12/15: Movie Night (3:45-5:30, details above)
12/16: Last Day of Quarter 2
12/17-1/3: Winter Break - No School
1/4: First Day of Quarter 3
1/7: 8th Grade Field Trip to STRIVE Prep - SMART High School
1/11: MAP Testing
1/11: Family Council (5-6pm)
1/13: MAP Testing
1/14: 7th Grade FIeld Trip to Museum (Rescheduled from 11/19)
1/14: SchoolChoice Round 1 Opens
1/25-1/27: ACCESS Testing
2/15: SchoolChoice Round 1 Closes at 4pm



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