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February 16, 2018
By admin
student on computer

Round 1 of SchoolChoice is currently open in Denver Public Schools (DPS), which means families who are looking for a school for next year should complete the new online application before February 28th at 4:00 pm.

To make it easier for families to complete that form, we’ve outlined below the five steps you'll need to complete to submit your application.

1. Open the DPS application home by clicking here. Then select the “Get started” button.

2. Sign in or create an account.
Please note, you will need an email address to create an account.

3. Enter all your household information.
You will need the following information:

Parent/Guardian Information
Student Information
Details about other student(s) in the household (if applicable)

4. Select up to 5 schools and rank your selections.
Please note, selecting only one school does not increase your chance of getting into that school. You should select your schools in order of preference. Each school should only be chosen once.

5. Complete your application and click “submit"!
You will need the following information available to complete your application:

Basic Information
Free and Reduced Lunch (optional)
Additional Application Questions:
Student Language Information and Instruction Preference
Tuition Information
Document Uploads
Proof of Address - birth certificate, baptismal record, hospital record with official signature, passport, or I-94
Proof of Age - current utility bill with service address, valid rental/lease agreement; warranty deed; current mortgage statement; property tax notice; or signed contract stating your name, closing date, and property address
Proof of Income 30 consecutive days of paycheck stubs; 2017 W-2; or letter from employer on company letterhead that states hours worked and pay rate. If applicable, proof of non-work income (TANF, food stamps, child support, etc.)
School Choice Acknowledgement
Student’s Race/Ethnicity
General SchoolChoice Parent/Guardian Agreement

Questions about the DPS SchoolChoice process or about completing this application? Give us a call at 720-464-3530 or RSVP for one of our upcoming events!


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